The Gaze from the Bicycle

The Gaze from the Bicycle is a five-year documentary project that traveled through fifteen countries of the American continent by bicycle. A means for leisure, work, tourism, but also the connecting link to the local and native communities, to men, women, and children, guardians and initiators of customs, beliefs, and traditions.  

Local communities often situated in inhospitable places, where resources come in dregs and the effects of globalization, such as a tsunami, that devastates not only natural resources but also customs, beliefs, and traditions, are the reasons why today our towns and ordinary people are affected by a process of defragmentation and are forced to seek better opportunities in large cities.  

It depends on understanding the acknowledgment and the collective work of large and small communities that can be integrated into globalization that considers the importance of a society that evolves in harmony and is aware of its origins and traditions. These are the basis for a society with greater opportunities that places an emphasis on essential values such as respect, dignity, equality, work and the family in its roots.