Essays Gallery

"Essays that go beyond mere image descriptions, delving into the background,
emotions, and context behind each photograph."

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Tha gaze from the bicycle

Five-year documentary project that traveled through fifteen countries of the American continent by bicycle. A means for leisure, work, adventure, but also the connecting link to the local and native communities.

Portraits of Dignity

“Portraits of Dignity is a project that captures photographic images revealing the essential humanity of refugees as they flee the horrors of war and adjust to new cultures.


The escalation of the international armed conflict in Ukraine has caused civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance.

gun violence

The names alone conjure up the horror and the feeling of paralysis around gun violence in the United States. But wrenching as they are, neither the names nor the headlines nor the endless video loops convey the true toll from guns.This year’s Burning Man was more of a wash out than a red hot ticket, after freak heavy rain resulted in festival goers being trapped on site, knee-deep in mud and with dwindling supplies.

Burning Man 2023

The raindrops glisten like diamonds as they cascade from the sky, transforming the dusty playa into a shimmering wonderland. It's during these moments at Burning Man that I'm able to capture the most evocative and captivating images.

Pi de Maig 2024

Sant Llorenç Savall celebra, cada primer de maig, el ritu de l'arbre, una cerimònia mitjançant la qual es reforcen els vincles amb la natura i el poble. El ritu, que posa a prova l'enginy, l'organització i la força de la comunitat, aconsegueix agermanar a petits i grans al voltant d'un objectiu comú: alçar a la plaça major un gran arbre, símbol de la nova vida que amb la primavera reneix cada any.

Tha gaze from the bicycle

Five-year documentary project that traveled through fifteen countries of the American continent by bicycle. A means for leisure, work, adventure, but also the connecting link to the local and native communities.

Portraits of Dignity

“Portraits of Dignity is a project that captures photographic images revealing the essential humanity of refugees as they flee the horrors of war and adjust to new cultures.

gun violence

The names alone conjure up the horror and the feeling of paralysis around gun violence in the United States. But wrenching as they are, neither the names nor the headlines nor the endless video loops convey the true toll from guns.This year’s Burning Man was more of a wash out than a red hot ticket, after freak heavy rain resulted in festival goers being trapped on site, knee-deep in mud and with dwindling supplies.


The escalation of the international armed conflict in Ukraine has caused civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance.

Burning Man 2023

This year’s Burning Man was more of a wash out than a red hot ticket, after freak heavy rain resulted in festival goers being trapped on site, knee-deep in mud and with dwindling supplies. This year’s Burning Man was more of a wash out than a red hot ticket, after freak heavy rain resulted in festival goers being trapped on site, knee-deep in mud and with dwindling supplies.

Pi de Maig

Sant Llorenç Savall celebra, cada primer de maig, el ritu de l'arbre, una cerimònia mitjançant la qual es reforcen els vincles amb la natura i el poble. El ritu, que posa a prova l'enginy, l'organització i la força de la comunitat, aconsegueix agermanar a petits i grans al voltant d'un objectiu comú: alçar a la plaça major un gran arbre, símbol de la nova vida que amb la primavera reneix cada any.