A Ukrainian boy throws himself onto the window of the bus that will take him to the refugee center in Przemyśl, Poland, where he will be relocated with his relatives to one of the refugee hosting towns.
Medyka, Poland 2021
Medyka, Poland 2021
A storm has turned Black Rock Desert into a muddy field during the Burning Man 2023 festival. A couple immortalizes it with a kiss and a selfie
Black Rock Desert, Nevada, US 2023
Black Rock Desert, Nevada, US 2023
Salvadoran fisherman uses the Atarraya to get the day's sustenance during a storm lashing the Pacific Ocean.
El Salvador, 2010
El Salvador, 2010
The Guna Yala community has a high degree of political and social autonomy. They have their own system of governance, which includes a traditional leadership structure with sahilas (chiefs) and a congress system. This self-governance allows them to maintain control over their land, resources, and cultural practices.
Province of Guna,Yala "San Blas", Panama , 2009
Province of Guna,Yala "San Blas", Panama , 2009
A couple of burners find some intimacy between hugs and the shadow of a paper fan, which they decide to share with the camera through a friendly look.
Burning Man 2023, Nevada, US
Burning Man 2023, Nevada, US
Correfocs in Catalonia, a popular festival that combines fire, pyrotechnics, and music into an intense and thrilling collective experience.
A woman walks barefoot through the mud of the Black Rock Desert, after rain forced all participants of the Burning Man electronic music festival to disconnect and enjoy the charms of nature.
Black Rock Desert, Nevada, US 2023
Black Rock Desert, Nevada, US 2023
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Giving insight into in-depth storytelling.
Burning Man 2023
The raindrops glisten like diamonds as they cascade from the sky, transforming the dusty playa into a shimmering wonderland. It's during these moments at Burning Man that I'm able to capture the most evocative and captivating images.
Portraits of Dignity
“Portraits of Dignity is a project that captures photographic images revealing the essential humanity of refugees as they flee the horrors of war and adjust to new cultures.
The escalation of the international armed conflict in Ukraine has caused civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcing people to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance.